
6 Reasons Aquaponic is better than Organic

If you don't need an explanation of aquaponics and just want to see why it's better than organic, feel free to skip on down to the bottom of this post.  If you're new to aquaponics and want to learn more about it, read on...

Our friend Todd recently started aquaponic farming and invited us to take a first hand look at his incredible floating grow bed greenhouse.  I have to say, getting to see this mini ecosystem at work was pretty incredible.  If you're new to the idea of aquaponics, here's how it works: Fish are placed in large retention pond or tank.  These fish produce nutrient-rich droppings which are circulated through water pipes into plant beds full of water.  These plant beds have floating boards with holes in which seeds and soil sit.  The roots grow into the water and the plants use the nutrients that are toxic to the fish to grow, effectively cleaning it to be returned to the retention pond holding the fish.  It's a pretty incredible undertaking with delicious results!

Fresh kale sprouting up!

Fresh kale sprouting up!

Todd has over 1000 fish in his talapia pond.

Todd has over 1000 fish in his talapia pond.

After taking a tour of the greenhouse, we decided to team up with Todd to bring this delicious food to the Winter Park and Orlando community.  We're happy to announce that we will be offering to our patients and their friends aquaponic vegetables.  Here's how it will work.  Todd will forward us a list of available produce at the beginning of the week.  We'll post this on our facebook page.  You can call our office (407-286-5926) by Thursday and we'll get him your orders.  You can then pick up your orders from us the following Monday.  We're excited to help our community try something new that's healthy for you too.  Here's to your health!

Our delicious goody bag we took home with us.  It was packed full of Kale, Bok Choy and Celery!

Our delicious goody bag we took home with us.  It was packed full of Kale, Bok Choy and Celery!


6 reasons Aguaponics is better than Organic

1) Insecticides are guaranteed to never be used because it's poisonous to the fish.  Basically if you want food that is 100% guaranteed insecticide free, aquaponics is the way to go!

2) The veggies are grown in a greenhouse, so you'll never get cross-contamination blown over from insecticides from a neighboring farm.

3) The fish that produce fertilizer for the aquaponic ponds are fed vegetable diets that are grown on the water they live in, making it an incredibly sustainable ecosystem.

4)  Aquaponic farms require 90% less water than regular farms because the water can be recycled rather than being absorbed in the ground or evaporating.

5) Plants Grows Twice As Fast! This is due to the naturally fortified water from the fish and because the root systems of the plant don't have to reach as deeply into the ground.

And last but especially not least...

6) It tastes delicious!  If you've never experienced the rich flavors of aquaponic greens, you're in for a treat.  They have an incredibly full flavor and taste so much lighter than your regular kale or lettuce.

Can Candy Fix Your Stomach Ache?

You may remember hearing your mom say something like, “Don’t eat too much candy or you’ll get a stomach ache.” Although that is true for most candies, there may be some that can actually relieve abdominal discomfort.

A friend of mine recently reminded me of this while telling me of how her grandmother would give her a candy cane as a child when she had an upset stomach.  Although this may sound counter-intuitive to many people, when considering the main ingredient, it makes a lot of sense.  Peppermint is an excellent remedy to help calm down an upset stomach.  People may also notice similar effects when eating black licorice when feeling nauseous, as fennel is one the main ingredients in this candy.

Several peer-reviewed studies demonstrate the relieving effects of peppermint in digestion, constipation, and diarrhea. One research study even determined the benefit peppermint oil capsules had on children suffering from irritable bowel syndrome*. In fact, there was a 75% reduction in severity of pain reported after 2 weeks.

Now, if you’d like to avoid the sugar in candy, which is definitely better for you, lucky for you there are many great options to find peppermint and fennel today.  Essential oils are a great form that’s easy for your body to digest and use immediately. Not all oils are the same, so you’ll want to make sure it is at least of a certified pure therapeutic grade in quality. Another option is sipping a peppermint or fennel tea.  And of course, there is always the option of eating it in its raw plant form as a leafy garnish and adding it to a dish.

If you want more practical ways of decreasing your stomach issues and healing your digestive tract, you’re in luck because we are teaming up with Ricardo Bannatyne, a pharmacist turned alternative pharmacist to teach you how.  Ricardo has been a pharmacist for 20 years and utilizes herbs and other natural remedies as alternatives to many common medications. We’ll be hosting an in-office lecture Thursday August 11th @ 6:30pm.

Here are a few topics we’ll be covering:

-       What are probiotics and which is the right one for me?

-       How are my emotions involved with my digestive discomfort?

-       How does my nervous system contribute to the health of my digestive organs?

-       And other practical and nutritional insights…

We’re excited to share this empowering information with you so you can have more comfortable digestion and work towards healing your digestive system. Seating is limited, so we do need for you to RSVP by Aug 9. Call us at 407-286-5926 or email us at

In the meantime, enjoy some peppermint and happy digesting!


Dr. Crystal Nix
Chiropractic Physician



*Cline, Robert, et al. "Enteric-coated, PH-dependent Peppermint Oil Capsules for the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children." The Journal of Pediatrics 138.1 (2001): 125-28. Web.